The New York Review of Books
Illustration on the book The Wall by Marlen Haushofer.
Text by Peter C. Baker
Art Direction: Leanne Shapton
Read the article here
The New York Times
Illustration on the article How to Call Off Your Wedding
Text by Perri Ormont Blumberg
Art Direction: Jeremy Allen
Read the article here
Penguin Random House US
Book Cover for the novel All Adults here by Emma Straub
Imprint: Riverhead Books
Art Direction: Helen Yentus and Grace Han
Look at the book here
Knesebeck Verlag
Over 70 illustrations and spots about the history of women in 30 Objects.
Title: 'Tomate, Fahrrad, Guillotine'
Text: Kerstin Wolff
Project management: Anja Sommerfeld
Read more about the process here
Warby Parker
Over 14 interior and exterior murals for their store.
Easton Town Center - Columbus, Ohio/ USA
Art Direction: Matt Singer
SCHIRN Kunsthalle Frankfurt
Illustrations and cover for a Podcast Serie about Marc Chagall.
Titel: 'Auf den Spuren von Chagall. Heimat - Einsamkeit - Exil'
Article: Es wäre besser gewesen, wenn er mich richtig verprügelt hätte.
About domestic violence
A Magazine by Tagesanzeiger
Art Direction: Chantal Seitz
Read the article here
ZEIT Magazin
Article: Schweigewochen / Silent weeks
About the silence in the first weeks of pregnancy.
Art Direction: Chantal Seitz
Article: How will the global Covid-19 pandemic end?
Art Direction: Alexandra Citrin-Safadi
Read the article here
Personal Project
Book illustration about the lockdowns while Covid-19.
Title: Lockdown Tristesse
The New York Times
Article: Empowerment Feminism is Over. It's Time For the Feminism of Disempowerment.
Art Direction: Zisiga Mukulu
Read the article here
All Good Things
Article: The zero waste kitchen.
By Alltrue formerly Causebox
Art Direction: Antra Švarc
All Good Things
Article: Branching Out
Illustration about Apple Varieties
By Alltrue formerly Causebox
Art Direction: Antra Švarc
All Good Things
Article: Natural skin care ingredients.
By Alltrue formerly Causebox
Art Direction: Antra Švarc
Apotheken Umschau
Serie of three illustrations on the article Why there are more divorces in old age.
Text by: Miriam Hoffmeyer
Art Direction: Ruth Kutschheit
Read the article here
German Stories
Illustration for the Cover of the Magazine German Stories by Buchmesse Frankfurt/ Main.
The New York Times - Book Review
For the Book Review on the novel 'Willa & Hesper' by Amy Feltman.
Art Direction: Matt Dorfman
Read the article here.
The New Yorker
Article: Ronald K. Brown at Bard.
For the section Goings on about town.
Art Direction: Neeta Patel
Read the article here
American Illustration Award 39 - The Archive - Chosen
Toronto Star
Serie of illustrations for the gifting campaign on the theme Graduating.
Art Direction: David Jalbert-Gagnier
Agency: Creative Business Company
The Guardian
Article: Pandemic Periods: why women's menstrual cycles have gone haywire.
Art Direction: Sarah Habershon
Read the article here
The New York Times - Parenting
Illustration about the Limón Dance Company at The Joyce Theater.
In the section Goings on about town
Art Direction: Neeta Patel
The New York Times - Book Review
On an Essay by Jake Nevins
Article: Gay Literature Is Out of the Closet. So Why Is Deception a Big Theme?
Art Direction: Tonya Douraghy and Matt Dorfman
Read the article here
The New York Times - Art & Leisure
Article: Playing Beethoven's Piano Sonatas Changed How I Hear Them.
Art Direction: Tonya Douraghy
Read the article here
The New York Times - Parenting
Article: Crying in Your Car Counts as Self-Care.
Ways to find headroom and even joy right now.
Art Direction: Deanna Donegan
Read the article here
Over 13 Illustrations and spots for the Earth Month Campaign about the commitment to the environment.
Art Direction: Jennifer Hsieh, Stephanie Levy, Nathaniel Tonelli
The New Yorker
Illustration about the show 'Paul Swan is dead and gone'.
In the section Goings on about town
Art Direction: Neeta Patel
Read the article here
The New York Times
Illustrations for the Book Review on Ludmila Ulitskaya's novel 'Jacob's Ladder'.
Text: Randy Rosenthal
Art Direction: Tonya Douraghy and Matt Dorfman
The New York Times
Article: Can a Good-Enough Marriage Make for a Great Divorce?
Art Direction: Sarah Williamson
Read the article here
Serie of illustrations on the theme Five Parts of Attraction.
Agency: Kemmler Kemmler
Here Magazine
Illustration about travel anxiety.
Art Direction: Chloe Scheffe
Read the article here
The Vault by With/out Pretend
Illustrations and spots on three short stories by Lizzie Derksen.
For a short fiction collection by The Vault. Have a look here.
Art Direction: Erin McPhee
The Scout Association
Illustrations about the issues young people may face and how leaders can support them.
Read the article here
Art Direction: Annabel Rose
Diploma Project
Title: Und sie kamen immer wieder
Final Project for my Diploma at University of Art and Design Offenbach/Main, Germany in May 2018.
The illustrations are inspired by three of Raymond Carver's short stories. By stringing together various moments of high density my illustrations continue the narrative while seeking to create new processes of reflection at the same time.
The illustrations are drawn on paper, wood and the wall.
Pictures by Stephan Braubach
FAZIT Stiftung Award
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